Serial Number In Datagridview Vb Net Gridview Select
This article explains how to add a Serial Number (Row Index) Column in DataGridView control without adding this column in Physical Database or in DataSet's DataTable. Level: Beginner Knowledge Required: • DataGridView • Data Binding Description: We use DataGridView control alot of times in Data Manipulation application. Sometimes we require to have a Serial Number (S.No.) Column in DataGridView Control in such a way that no matter how Sorting/Filtering is done, Serial Number should remain constant i.e. In a Sequence.
Apr 24, 2012 Forums ».NET » VB.NET » DataGridview Auto Number. Public Class Form1 Dim CR As Integer 'DataGridView current row number Dim R As Integer 'User row number Dim. Jun 13, 2007 i am creating Windows application in VB.NET 2005 how to set Auto Increment number to my first Column in DataGridView. ('Select * from.
One way to accomplish this is to create a Column in DataSet's DataTable in which we can store the Serial Numbers, but this will make our job too complex if sorting/filtering is also done. Because we have to re-check the Serial Number column again and again each time the Sorting/Filtering is performed. So the better way is to use the DataGridView control's Virtual Mode.
I have read articles that suggest that the value of an auto-incremented identity column should not have any meaning within the record itself. The value should be used purely for identification within the table and relations and it should have no bearing on the actual data contained in the record. One of the reasons for this is that a database level maintenance utility could potentially compact and renumber an auto incremented identity column during a cleanup procedure. All of the relations and database identifiers would be updated accordingly so everything would still work as expected. However, your record may now have a different 'serial number' than it used to. There are two common ways to handle this requirement, depending on the database design and intended access.
The best thing to do is create a stored procedure that calculates a new serial number value and call it when creating a new data row that includes a serial number field. Depending on the database engine you may even create a custom data type for this. When implemented in the database, it means that any code consuming the database can just create a new row without worrying about how to populate the serial number field. The other option is to override the new row method of the datatable in the dataset and calculate a new serial number value from there. This can be easier to implement if you aren't familiar with programming your database environment directly.
However, it means that every program which consumes the database must include its own logic for getting a new serial number (which likely involves other calls to the database). This is ok though if you just have one application using a shared database. Reed Kimble - 'When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all'.
Dear Emanual Thanks for providing more details but I could not understand the different in your last code and previous one as both have same result. Kindly explain. Actually it is required that Row numbers should be changed after Sorting/Filtering/Grouping otherwise Numbers does not show proper values. Like we have following Data and Row number updated in first instance. Line Value 1. A After sorting on Value Column, if we do not remove the null or empty string checking the result will be following Line Value 3.
D So I asked if we should remove the null/empty string the results are perfect like following but scrolling gets very slow. Line Value 1.
D Even I tried EnableFastScrolling = true; but this makes scrolling to be happen after user complete Scrolling thru mouse button, and this does not seems good as scrolling is not done along with mouse movement. Please guide if you think there is any other better way to address this. Thanks, devoas. Maplestory Scripts. Hello guys, I'm glad to hear that it's finally OK, i was beginning to think that i'm seeing things:). The difference between Text and Value is a simple one, and that is the Text property will always be calculated from the Value of the cell element, if, let's say we have a DateTime object with a FormatString, in the Value we will have a DateTime object, but the text property will reflect that formatted value, so here we if we want to avoid recalculating the Text always and cause those performance problems you were talking about we can just set the Text property.
Hope this helps, if you have any other questions or comments, please let me know, Best Regards, Emanuel Varga. I tried the solution in VB.NET using the C# converter telerik provides. Private Sub dgDetail_RowFormatting(sender As Object, e As RowFormattingEventArgs) Handles dgDetail.RowFormatting If e.CellElement.ColumnInfo.Name = 'Line' And String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.CellElement.Text) Then e.CellElement.Text = (e.CellElement.RowIndex + 1).ToString() End If End Sub however e.CellElement is coming up as not being a member of the RwFomattingEventArgs do I need to import a reference or something? I am already importing Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports Telerik.WinControls Imports Telerik.Data Imports Telerik.WinControls.UI Imports System.ComponentModel.